Blog Articles

Explore a variety of opinion pieces that discuss topics revelevant to reconciliation and social cohesion in Sri Lanka as well as the Sri Lanka Barometer effort as such.

Oct 15, 2023

A Thoughtful Encounter at the SLB Travelling Exhibit

Natasha Palansuriya

This blog describes an encounter between a Sinhala Buddhist monk and a Tamil priest as they explore and discuss the Sri Lanka Barometer findings at the travelling exhibit in Batticaloa in September 2023.

May 31, 2023

The SLB Launch 2023 and the Road to Reconciliation

Aaranya Rajasingam

This blog reflects on the SLB Launch 2023 event and on what it means to understand people's voices in the context of Sri Lanka's efforts towards lasting reconciliation.

May 15, 2023

The Case for a Reconciliation Barometer in Sri Lanka

Natasha Palansuriya

This article makes the case for the importance of the Sri Lanka Barometer Survey in the Sri Lankan context, to track reconciliation trends overtime.

Nov 1, 2022

Can Citizen Activism Lead to Change in Sri Lanka?

Azra Abdul Cader

This blog discusses active citizenship in Sri Lanka looking at SLB findings from 2021 and developments in the country in 2022.

Sep 15, 2022

Predicting the 2022 Crisis in Sri Lanka through People's Voices

Azra Abdul Cader

This article highlights how findings from the 2021 SLB Survey signposted to the impending economic crisis that erupted in 2022.

Nov 1, 2021

Bystander Behaviour and Why it Matters: Explanations and Possibilities

Ramila Usoof-Thowfeek, Sumedha Jayakody, Evan Ekanayake

This article explores the impact of the ‘bystander effect’ in the face of everyday violence in Sri Lanka, and if it has the potential to create a safer society.