Blog Articles

Explore a variety of opinion pieces that discuss topics revelevant to reconciliation and social cohesion in Sri Lanka as well as the Sri Lanka Barometer effort as such.

Nov 1, 2021

Between Memory and History: Sri Lanka, a Decade after the War

Vihanga Perera

This article discusses the consequences of selective history teaching linked to the contemporary challenges of memorialisation in post-war Sri Lanka.

Nov 1, 2021

Other People's Shoes: Let’s not Demand that People Tell Us Stories

Sunila Galappaththi

This article discusses the need to be sensitive to others' experiences of the war and their willingness or ability to express their grief through storytelling.

Aug 9, 2021

Transitional Justice: Looking Back to Move Forward

Natasha Palansuriya

This article explores transitional justice in Sri Lanka and deconstructs some common misconceptions that contribute to stalling the process.